“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fabulous Food

I don’t think I have mentioned the food yet! I was so worried before I came that I would starve, but the exact opposite is true. My guest house is attached to the dining hall, so the ladies who prepare the breakfast in the morning walk through my house to get to the kitchen! Then I walk in through the kitchen to get breakfast at 7. Everyone says a prayer before and after eating the meal, and prayer starts when any teacher at the staff table rings the bell (the place goes silent in seconds). Ever present is “papa” a staple that reminds me of white momalega (polenta) or mashed potatoes but of a more grainy consistency. We ate it once at breakfast with milk, then at lunch (2:30 pm) with sausages. Yesterday’s lunch was white rice and curry minced meat that was delicious. But I am most amazed at the way the meal ends. After the second prayer bell the kids are working hard to clear their tables, putting all the dishes and leftovers on a cart in the middle of the room, wiping their tables clean! and pushing in their chairs – and all this takes a matter of minutes. Dinner is at 5:00 which for me is too close to lunch, so I am given a Tupperware and the ladies give me enough lunch meat to feed an army plus a whole package of bread for one night’s meal. Would you believe that some people noticed I was not at dinner and knocked at my door to bring me a huge thermos of chicken soup!


  1. Caroline,
    I can't believe momalega is so popular all over the world! That makes Daddy happy! It's so sweet that everyone is taking such good care of you.
    Love, Mommy and Daddy

  2. Hi Caroline,
    We are loving your journal and thinking about you every day. What a fabulous experience and I know you are making the most of it. They know a good teacher when they see one! Enjoy and enjoy that tea!!!
    Nancy and Jim

  3. Now we know what you'll be bringing to the next circuit training potluck! (We miss you.)

    It is a thrill to read about your adventure. And nice to know you are with such kind and welcoming folks.

    Enjoy! Sue

  4. Hi Caroline! Just figured out how to post on your South Africa blog! What an awesome experience for you! And you know I love your lastest food post :) The S.A. people seem so generous. You can always tell a lot about a culture from their food customs. I think you should serve some momalega at our next Thanksgiving feast!! <3 aunt Donna
