“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Touring the School

Right now there are no students; they come back on Tuesday to resume school after the excitement of the World Cup and the winter session. We drive past the dining hall, classrooms, administration building, and Victor's house. We see the new computer lab that has about 30 computers, a teacher station and a SMART board, though the manufacturer is different. As I play around with the technology Victor tells me that he wants me to help other teachers at the school become more comfortable using the technology (mainly the SMART Board) and I make a mental note of this for my presentations. Next we see Victor's house, right on the campus and I meet his son, the oldest. Victor's two daughters disappear for a moment and then come back in beaming and wearing I Love NY t-shirts that I gave them earlier. (When I gave Victor his Ohio State hat, and when I asked him if he knew what it was he replied "O for O.J. Simpson?" to which we all got a big laugh.) Soon after, the principal comes in (Mr. Mariti) and says "You look like Caroline, you must be Caroline" to which I replied, yes I am. He is very charismatic and I can see why he is the leader of the school. He tells me the "anxiety for my visit is very high," but in a good way, he assures me. After this Victor suggests that I get an early night to catch up on the sleep I have missed for the past few days and to kick the jet lag, to which I quickly agree.


  1. Sounds like everything is starting out great! So glad to hear that the guesthouse is nice AND has coffee. I love the blog and can't wait to keep reading!

    Love, Steph

  2. Caroline, I think it's cute that the principal is anxious about you visiting the school and showing the teachers how to use the Smart Board! They are going to be so impressed with your know how!! Victor and his family sound very sweet. I can't wait to hear about the students.
    Love, Mommy and Daddy
    PS Did you watch the World Cup Final?

  3. Happy to hear from you from South Africa! It sounds like you are having a great adventure. Joe had mentioned to wear boots in the brush because of snakes. Ha! Ha! I know that you will be fine.

    Love Aunt Liz

  4. Your journey sounds fantastic so far. You are a genius with the SMARTboard! Don't forget to teach them Jeopardy.
